We’ve Moved | Free Printable Postcard

Just a quickie today. I recently became a first-time homeowner, so I needed a simple way to get the word out! So I’m sharing with y’all, too!



  • This is 3″ x 5″.
  • You’ll need to trim to size once you print this at home.
  • The space at the bottom of the card is intentional so that the USPS can print its barcode – just keep in mind when trimming to size you need 0.625″ minimum from the bottom to be kept clear.
  • I recommend printing on a thick stock paper so it can run through the USPS machines. I typically use a 100 lb Cover.
  • When writing on paper with a cover, consider a ballpoint pen or a marker with a fast drying ink. Sharpies and other writing utensils may smear if you brush the ink.

We've Moved! - Free Printable 3" x 5" Posctard

Design elements used:

‘Sketchy British House Door’ Designed by Freepik